

The historical journal of the Augusta County Historical Society, Augusta Historical Bulletin, has been published continuously since 1965. From the first issue until 1999, the journal was published semi-annually, in the spring and the fall, and was a smaller, saddle-stitched publication. Beginning in 2000, the society has gone to a larger, annual publication that is perfect bound, meaning it has a spine. The Bulletin ranges in length from 125-200 pages depending upon the number of manuscripts and illustrations that have been submitted. Bulletin editors are Nancy Sorrells and Katharine Brown. Associate Editor Dan Métraux is in charge of the extensive book review section. Inquiries about the Bulletin or about submitting an article for the Bulletin can be addressed to Nancy Sorrells at lotswife@comcast.net. Authors wishing to write book reviews or submit a book for review consideration should contactDan Métraux at dmetraux@mbc.edu.

There was no index of the Bulletins until the volume published in the year 2000. Since that time each annual Bulletin has contained its own index. Thanks to the long hours of a dedicated society volunteer, however, there is finally a comprehensive index of the earlier Bulletins. The final indices of the semiannual Bulletin issues is so extensive that it is divided into two sections, 1965-1984 and 1985-1999. Researchers can search the indices using a simple search tool. Open the document, type CTRL+A. Then type CTRL+F and a search box will open. Type in the word or words you are searching for and hit enter. The number of results will appear in the navigation box and be highlighted in the document. Remember to search for variations on a name. For instance, Mt. Sidney might be “Mt. Sidney” or “Mount Sidney.” The entry will tell you what Bulletin volume number and page number in which the searched for word appears. For instance if you searched for “Robert McFarland” then you would see “McFarland, Robert – 6 (F70) 54; 9 (S73) 39.” That means that Robert McFarland appears in Bulletin volume 6 (Fall of 1970) on page 54 and in volume 9 (Spring of 1973) on page 39.

Although the Bulletins from the year 2000 onward are indexed individually at the back of the volume, a searchable document containing the indices from volumes 2000-2010 has also been included on this page. The single document has the full indices listed one after another starting in 2000. Therefore, once a user has located an entry, that person must scroll back to the “A” entries to know what Bulletin year the index is from.

To make an inquiry regarding a potential submission, contact either editor by email. To receive a copy of the Bulletin style sheet, contact the ACHS office manager, P.O. Box 686, Staunton, VA 24402 or augustachs@ntelos.net.

Bulletin Indices




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